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Produkte von Visser, Suzan
Suzan Visser (Dutch1967) comes from an artistic family. Her grandfather as well as her grandmother's two brothers were all painters.
As a child Suzan was always occupied with drawing and animals/pets
After school she started at the college for Fine Arts and studying biology.
Everything in her paintings is recognisable and comprehensible, but reality is transformed as if by magic into a new enchanted reality.
17868 Air mail

17887 Bait

17860 Bienchen

17818 Blau gestreifte Mützen

17855 Blauer Thron

17891 Box of Nature

17825 Der erste Schnee

17856 Die Keule

17881 Dream

17844 Einhörner

17861 Eis-Biene

17802 Eulen gut gelaunt

17854 Felix

17832 Festmahl

17817 Festschweine

17895 Flying Badgers

17875 Flying high

17851 Gemütliches Gürteltier

17890 Girl from the Reef

17841 Hasenfutter

17888 High Tea II

17837 Im Tiefschlaf

17885 Kakapo Birds

17824 Karussell der Tiere

17846-5 KD Fröhliches Obst

17867-5 KD Birthday Hippos

17870-5 KD Bobje and Pom
Laufkarte: ohne Laufkarte

17877-5 KD Bride and Groom

17873-5 KD Cherry-Pavlova

17825-5 KD Der erste Schnee

17866-5 KD Donkeys on Ice

17861-5 KD Eisbiene
